Sunday, August 11, 2013

Hello, There

           Greetings to anyone who happens to have stumbled here or, as is more likely, have been directed to this page via tireless and shameless self-promotion. For those of a patient disposition, more will follow from the realm of creative careening that is my brain. As should be obvious if you're reading this, I've surrendered utterly to the temptations of both the great new frontier of our millennium, Cyberspace, and, of course, that wonderful corporate giant, Google, and have set up here for the time being.  Right now, I feel like Jack, staring up at his newly sprouted beanstalk. This was initially planned as a New Years project for 2013 and here I am finally getting off my backside and doing it in mid-August. That should give the reader some sense of the gestation period for the average idea that's conceived in my brain.

When you've spent as long as I have with your cyber-lips sealed, there's a lot to say and do. As my childhood hero Mr. Rogers sang five times, "You'll have things you'll want to talk about. I will too". (See link below). In the meantime, please enjoy this picture of Mr. Duck, ordained by me as the official mascot of Unutterable Madness (if anyone out there is, by some chance, wondering, yes, there's a story behind that title and yes, I'll explain it some time):
 Lots of people have Twitters these days. I like birds and "Twitter" is a cute name, but I'm willing to be that one is trademarked at this point, so I'm going to call my posts here Quacks--after all, I'm going to be sounding off. And anyone who chooses to follow my ramblings, regularly contribute comments, and all of that social networking, free speech-utlizing juicy goodness, will henceforth be known as my "Ducklings". So, welcome to my Quacker (not my "Quaker", as I mistyped the first time). And do feel free to throw breadcrumbs.

"I'll be back when the day is new."

Mr. Rogers--It's Such a Good Feeling